Mommy Psedornna

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

16th Months Development - Part II

Yeah! My boy is 16th months TODAY! Happy 16th months my little cheeky boy! So happy that I am breastfeeding him for 16 months as well.

Hmm.... Besides all the development in part I, wondering what can I post in part II here. Mmm....

Potty Train
I am glad to say that my little boy is diaper off during the day time since he was 14 months! Baby sitter is confidence to let him wear pant since 13 months, while he can walk by himself.

Yet, I am not that confidence to do so as I worry he will wet my sofa =p... This little boy will not wee untill we bring him to the toilet. Then I started to trust him on his 14th months, by letting him put on the pants during day time.

Surprisingly, he can tell whenever he wanna wee or poo! All thanks to the baby hand sign that I taught him so far.

Night time, we prefer he wee on the diaper, in order to let him sleep more. He will awake and ask for wee, but we will tell him to wee on the diaper. Am I right? or should I bring him to toilet?

The photo taken while my little boy was brushing his teeth and doing his BIG business. =p...
This little cheeky boy sign to me that he wanna poo while he was brushing his teeth.

Ended up...... I named it Multitasking ^_^

Teeth Brushing
As I mentioned in part I, my little boy merely has 4 teeth in his 16th months, but started to brush his teeth on 14th months.

I understood that we shouldn't brush their little tiny teeth too early. My little boy keep asking for toothbrush (he request it by hand signing) to brush his teeth since he was 13 months. As he is watching his mommy brushing her teeth every morning!

So I bought the Pigeon training toothbrush lesson 1 for him. He is so enjoying bitting brushing his teeth since then and he definately will ask for his toothbrush to brush his teeth every morning and during night bathe, before he sleep.

Some of my friends amazed on him cause willing to use toothbrush on his early stage. Telling me that most of the toddlers refuse to open their mouth, refuse to use the tooth brush, throw away the toothbrush etc. My advice to them is simple, just brush your teeth together with your toddlers!

Toddlers at this stage like to imitate adults! Whatever we do, they will follow! Try this and share with me your experience ^_^

Baby Hand Sign
I really glad that I learnt baby hand sign and started to teach my little boy baby hand sign since he was 5 months. I sign to him every thing I knew! He started to response to my hand sign in his 10th months, where his first sign to me was "light". Whenever, wherever he see lights, he will sign "light" showed to us, there is the "light".

This seems to be meaningless to you. Hahaha... Continue reading... you will know the advantages of baby hand signing ^_^

By 16th months, my little boy able to sign more than 30 hand signs, able to tell what he needs and what he want to do before he really can speak well in words! Because of baby hand signing, he is well potty train in his 14th months. As he knows that he can tell what he wants, and we understand and we give him whatever he needs by using baby hand sign!

Isn't this GREAT?!?!

No fuss at all taking care of my little boy after his 10th months. He will learn all the baby hand sign I taught him and he will sign back to me whenever, wherever and whatever he needs!

The photo at the side is showing the hand sign for "milk" ^_^

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