Mommy Psedornna

Friday, February 22, 2013

Kids Have BIG Imagination

Bryan was helping me in the kitchen to prepare our dinner tonight. While I was cutting the capsicum, he quickly STOP me from continue cutting the capsicum! 

Then he hold the capsicum up asking me "Mommy, what do you think this is?" 

~My son has BIG imagination~

Am I Happy?

Am I Happy? I will say YES!

As a full time mommy by taking care of my 2 little boys, I am not happy all days, as
they make me MAD...
they make me ANGRY...
they make me FURIOUS...
 they even make me CRAZY!


When I see them laugh happily, I knew everything is worth!!!!
This is 3.5 years old Bryan & 17 months Isaac laugh happily while their daddy was blowing balloon. This video remind me about 2 years old Bryan did laugh crazily as well... Enjoy LAUGHING....

This was 24 months Bryan. Same... Daddy was blowing balloon. 


Learnt Shapes in 14 months

My darling ~ Isaac learnt 8 shapes in his 14 months! I will said he is QUICK as compare with Bryan. He learnt circle, square, rectangle, triangle, oval, star, crescent, heart shapes! Good job my little boy! 

Isaac loves reading books rather than playing with toys. Maybe this is the reason he learns faster as a toddler. He is 17 months now (Sorry back dated post again) he learnt a few numbers and alphabet! eg, A, B, C, E, G, I, J, K, T & M. Whenever he sees A & M, he can even SAY the letter correctly by pointing at the letter!

Colours ~ He learnt a few colours ~ blue, red, yellow, green, orange & purple.

To My boys ~ Bryan & Isaac, 
Sorry Isaac that mommy realized that I did compare your growth development with your elder brother. For sharing, I was being compared since young, so I will never compare my sons with others. 
Both of you are my precious boys, I will compare both you unwittingly. I am not mean to do that, but hope both of you learn from positive way in comparing.

Multi-Language Boy

We are proud to be Malaysia, as we learn more than one language in school - English, Malay & Chinese. Therefore, I teach my boy in different language start from young. My 3 years old boy was reading numbers in 5 languages - English, Mandarin, Malay, Japanese and Cantonese. 

I didn't learn Korean, Spanish, French, Italian, Thai....... If not, I will teach him as well! Hahahaha..... 


Thursday, February 7, 2013


After attending 4 weeks of school, Bryan is able to recite the 96 words from the Three-Word Chant, 三字经.
Frankly speaking, I can't even recite them, but my little boy did it! Good JOB! 


Tuesday, February 5, 2013


‎12 生肖 - 鼠,牛,虎,兔,龙,蛇,马,羊,候,鸡,狗,猪。你学会了吗?

Monday, February 4, 2013

JOEY's DIY Homeschooling Method

Question:"How do you teach your boy, which homeschooling method are u using? Montessori? Charlotte Mason? etc....."

JOEY:"I just explain to him whatever things happen around us on HOW, WHY, WHEN, WHAT, WHO, WHICH"
Maybe I can name it as - JOEY's DIY Homeschooling Method

Then, the parents will think of I do not wanna share my method with them @_@
This is the issue I'm worrying about after my post - When Will you send your kids to nursery?

First of all I really want to APOLOGIZE if my answer gave you this feeling. But I really teach my boy on HOW, WHY, WHEN, WHAT, WHO, WHICH from the things happen around us.

Isn't that true that we need to know:-
why there are day & night?
Why raining?
Why we need to eat & drink?
Why my hair is black?

Question :"how can the little one understand all this?"
JOEY :"if the little one do not understand, definitely they will ask again and again. Then, I'll answer again and again. Repetition is very important in teaching."

If there are something that I do not know or do not understand, I will...
JOEY:"I'm not sure how it works/why, how about we search in the internet to find out the answer together later?"
Companion is very crucial for kids. Works/learn together with your kids is worth than spending $$$ for the classes.

This is how I teach my boy, Bryan about our nature, or I would say everything around us.
About those basic academic, e.g. shapes, colours, numbers....... normally I'll related with "things around us"as well.
Example: "baobei, you look great in this orange shirt" sure he will look at his shirt and understood that the colour is "ORANGE"
Communications is very important. Try to talk MORE with them.

P/S: Do not think of your kids is small and don't explain to them! Maybe they are not really understand the meaning. But they REMEMBER what you said, your words may keep in their mind for years!

Question :"Joey, all the books, flash card for babies are so expensive, not worth to buy, how to teach?"
JOEY :" I only bought picture flash card about animals & fruits for Bryan 4 years ago. I made most of the flash card all by myself."

Maybe I can share more in future post in details. Wait to go...