Mommy Psedornna

Baby Sign with Joey

Baby Signs® with Joey

Helping Babies “Talk” BeforeThey Can Talk!
The World’s Leading Sign Language Program for Babies!

Babies have a lot to say….even before they can actually speak. With the Original Baby Signs® Program, babies and toddlers can communicate what they see, what they need and even how they feel by using simple easy-to-do signs for words like “Eat”, “Milk” and “More”. Research has shown that the Baby Signs® Program decreases frustration, help babies talk sooner, enriches parent-child relationships, and boosts’ babies intellectual development.

Join other families around the world in discovering the joys and benefits of this revoluationary approach to early communication.

Baby Signs® Program offers a variety of Classes and Products to fit your needs and offer the support and guidance you need to successfully communicate with your baby.

So stop wondering what your baby is thinking and start working towards opening the doors of communication – start signing with your baby today!

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Click here for more information.