Mommy Psedornna

Monday, December 14, 2009

Advantages of Breastmilk

After Bryan hospitalization incident, I received a call to advise me stop breastfeeding my son! She claims that the formula milk nowadays is more nutrient than breastmilk! *slap head*

I thought that all the mothers in this era should knew the advantages of breastmilk or the advantages of breastfeeding. Disappointedly, NO! So I think I need to share with those who thought that formula milk is better than breastmilk.

Advantages of breastmilk:

  1. Breast milk is easily available, clean, uncontaminated and sterile.
  2. Available at a correct temperature for the baby's needs.
  3. It contains anti-infective factors, which shield the baby from external infections.
  4. It contains what controls viral and bacterial infections in the baby's initial months.
  5. In rural areas, breast milk is used as eye drops in viral conjunctivitis and minor eye infections as a first aid.
  6. The calorific value of breast milk is 70 per 100ml of milk and this fully meets the requirements of the infant.
  7. Lactoferrin, a protein in breast milk, provides considerable protection against intestinal and respiratory infections (eg. Asthma).
  8. This lactoferrin acts as a strong bacteriostatic so that the breast milk remains sterile for hours.
  9. Colostrum is rich in protein and protective antibodies.
  10. Colostrum provides the maximum protection to the gastrointestinal system.
  11. Human milk is a rich source of carnitine which develops healthy liver activities.
  12. Breast milk also helps absorption of calcium and promotes brain growth.
  13. It has been proved that breast-fed children have higher IQ's than the deprived ones.
  14. Breast-feeding is more convenient and also economic.
  15. Protection from allergy – Your baby will be less likely to get allergies, which the strong proteins in cow’s milk can cause.
  16. Less chance of obesity – Since breast fed babies are able to follow the demands of their appetite, breastfeeding may help reduce the chance of becoming over-weight.
  17. Easier to digest – Your breast milk is designed for your baby’s new sensitive digestive system. The amount of proteins and fats in your breast milk is individually tailored to your baby’s needs.
  18. No constipation – Since breast milk has a natural laxative effect, infants who breastfeed will rarely become constipated.
  19. Nursing for at least one year has been shown to reduce stomach infections.
  20. Money saving – Breast milk is free, where bottle-feeding can get expensive for the formula, bottles and nipples.
  21. Good for the mother – Breastfeeding creates a surge of the hormones in your body, which helps your uterus to contract and shrink to its pre-pregnant size.
  22. Strong emotional mother-baby benefits – The skin-to-skin contact and cuddling during breastfeeding creates a wonderful bond between mother and baby. There is nothing better than the eye-to-eye contact, skin-to-skin contact, cuddling and talking time that takes place during breastfeeding.
  23. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics - "Human milk is the preferred feeding for all infants, including premature and sick newborns."

I believed the advantages are more than I can list down here! I still ANGRY when recall back about the phone call, even after a day! Urghhh…….

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