Mommy Psedornna

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Speak Development

Was trying to spend some time to update Bryan 11 months development, but…… aih….. I even missed out Bryan 10 months development last month due to my work.

I have about 1 hour free every night, but I prefer to sleep more or relax or do some massage as my backache really killing me these days.

I hope I can update it partially everyday now. Hehe… what a lazy mom here :p…

Let’s start with Bryan’s speaking development. He calls “mama” when he was 6 months, maybe you can read here in details.

Disappointedly, the second word he called wasn’t daddy or papa, but “meh meh”, which mean scold in Hokkien. Haha… This is due to the Uncle (husband of baby sitter) speak hokkien with Bryan. Whenever Uncle is carrying my little boy and touch anything that we are not allow to, for example fan, cable, TV, specs, keys, dust bin etc, Uncle will tell him “Aunty meh”. This is how he learnt the “meh” (Scold in Hokkien) and he can pronounce it clearly when he was 8 months.

One of the incidents, which I can recall well, was during Chinese New Year. My dad, Bryan’s gong gong was carrying him with his specs hanging on his shirt. Bryan pointed at the specs and say “meh meh”! He was telling my dad he will be scolded if he took the specs. Haha…..

Finally, he called his daddy, papa! My hubby *require* Bryan to call him papa instead of daddy. So I just teach him call papa. I will keep repeating call “papa papa papa papa……” when he caught up the pronunciation; he calls everything “papa” including me! I had to correct him to call me back mama and it took weeks. ~.~

Enjoy the video below, where Bryan kept calling “papa” after he saw his papa photo in my mobile.

This incident showed that “papa” cannot be lazy on teaching your son to call you. No one you can assign to teach your baby to call your own name. I hope my husband learnt this lesson and I definitely won’t do this mistake for my second baby.

*wah… so fast imagine about my second baby liao! Frankly speaking, I hope to have second one soon ^_^*

He will try to imitate some words when he read his books and watched TV. For example: Dad, Butterfly (but), banana (ba). These are the only words I remember. Or just the only three ^_^

1 comment:

  1. At least Bryan is better than my Ben la.. whenever he sees dogs or sticks, he goes 'tah tah' - all thanks to his granma (my MIL) who taught him to beat our dog with the stick when it misbehave... sigh... very hard to unteach this... :(

    Anyhooo, happy Wednesday to you ya! :)
