Mommy Psedornna

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

9 months Development

Milestones this month*

Your baby now can pull himself up to a standing position from sitting down.

Checked. Bryan managed to stand up and sit down steadily since he was 8 months. Watch this =)

He can stand while holding on to someone or something.

Checked. Bryan likes to stand up by holding my legs from my back, peek from behind and smile cheekily.

Baby uses the "pincer grasp" holding tiny objects between his thumb and forefinger.

Checked. Watch this video and you will know how great he is using his thumb and forefinger. The video was recorded when he was 8 months.

He can walk while holding onto furniture.

Checked. Just 2 steps.

Baby drinks from a cup.

Checked. Bryan likes to drink from a cup. I didn’t use the milk bottle at all since he was 6 months plus. As I direct nurse him and he drink water either from his sipping cup or a cup.

He can stand alone for a few seconds or perhaps longer.

Checked. I am not sure how long he can stand alone but at least longer than before (when he was 8 months) :p…

Baby says "mama" or "dada."

Checked. Bryan calls “mama” PERFECTLY! Which I felt so happy of this ^_^ He say "meh meh" too!

He understands the meaning of "no."

Checked. He acted same as he was 8 months. I need to say it at least 3 times! As he will attempt to do it to see your response.

Baby responds to simple commands (such as "Give Mommy the toy").

Not really make it, depends on his mood :p…

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