Mommy Psedornna

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Sleep Zzzzzzzz......

Another sweet night I had for last night

My little boy sleeps in his room, in a single bed since early October, before he turn 16 months. I used to pat my little boy to sleep. Been months I haven't do that, as I am trying to make him more independent. Sleep by himself. He make it! Yet, he will call mommy once a while to make sure mommy is with him in the room.

Poor boy, he was so tired and took a short nap in the car around 730pm last night, as he just slept for 1 hour in the afternoon. This made him hardly fall asleep when sleeping time, around 930pm. Tossed and turned, unable to sleep.

Eventually, he called out "mama" for help. I laid my head beside the bed rail, so that his little can touched me. As this will help him to fall asleep by holding my hands or touching any part of me.

Out of my surprise, he patted on my cheek gently. The rhythm was like I patted him to sleep. Slowly, gently... He fell asleep, I slowly moved away my head as my neck was tiring hanging there. =p...

Anyway, this was too SWEET!

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