Mommy Psedornna

Friday, February 25, 2011

A Drizzle Evening

It was a drizzle evening yesterday.

The only disadvantage of our apartment is the pathway between blocks and the carpark is not cover with roof.

I do not want to carry a sack of rice in my arms to walk back to our unit from the carpark. Therefore I put my little boy in his stroller instead and I gave him a small umbrella to hold on to avoid being sprinkle.

I am really glad to have my understandable boy. He totally understood what I told him and followed my instruction what I told him to do.

He understood what is raining about; He understood that he needs to hold an umbrella up still to avoid getting wet.

In fact, he likes to play with umbrella ^_^

So he was so happy holding the umbrealla all the way from carpark back to our block. Then, I help him to close the umbrella afer we are under the roof.

No worries for me if raining again I think. But.... What if heavy rain??? I think I will look for the way to solve the problem when it comes.

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