Mommy Psedornna

Monday, March 2, 2015

My First ~ Green Tea Chiffon

Chiffon and swiss roll always are my favourite. Since I start baking after being a full time mommy at home, I have no confident to try these, as my baking skill still on junior level. Hehehe...

Finally, I bought a chiffon pan on Dec 2014, only have time to try my first Chiffon end of December. Surprisingly, it turned out perfectly!!! It was super soft, super spongy and super moist. Yummy!!!!

My first chiffon was green tea flavour, as in my kitchen only have green tea powder. ^^

As usual, my baking will not put in any artificial coloring, flavoring and other chemical. Try my to reduce or totally eliminate the use of baking powder and baking soda.

Green Tea Chiffon Recipe

(A) Egg yolks - 5
       Sugar - 20gram
(B) Water - 90ml (20ml green tea + 70ml water)
       Oil - 60ml

(C) Superfine Flour - 125gram

(D) Egg white - 5
      Sugar - 90gram
      Lemon Juice - 1tsp 

1. Whisk (A) well then add in the (B) mixed well.
2. Gently fold in the (C), then set aside.
3. Whisk the egg white till soft peak. Avoid any water into the egg white, as a single drop of water will spoiled the meringue.
4. Scrap in the meringue into the egg yolk batter.
5. Bake in the oven 160c for 50 minutes.


明天给孩子的早餐准备好啦!有四种选择有 ~ 肉松小面包,Chocolate 小面包, Cheese 小面包 和 Butter小面包。让他们尝试不同口味的小面包!

原本就只是想简简单单做个 ~Hazelnut Wholemeal Loaf。到后来还是手痒痒,拿来做小面包。加上各种不同的口味来给孩子选。


Friday, February 27, 2015




今天跟小情人到超市进货 + 买菜。付钱时,小情人就如往常一样帮我把货物一一放进环保袋中。时工作人员看到他那么乖巧,就给他一粒会 "飞" 上天的汽球。

就这么一粒小汽球,小情人多么的高兴,无论见到谁(包括我们公寓的 guard),都高高兴兴的告诉他说:"I have a flying balloon!” 因为平时他拿到的汽球是飞不起的。


Wednesday, February 18, 2015

新年快乐!Happy New Year!

自己已经很满意了,本人要求不高 ^^ 哈哈哈…… Anyway,新年快乐!Happy New Year!

Crochet Aeroplane

This is the first order from my customer to crochet according the photo. It was quite tough for me, as I go through a lot of failure before it ended up look similar to the photo provided. How you think?

Personally amended the side, as the original make the crochet aeroplane too complicated.



很多妈妈们常问我,生孩子之前是做么的?好的……读大学时,我开始教补习,教小孩游泳,因为我最爱游泳与小孩。我读的是关于 ~ 海洋。工作大多都要下海。这就是十年前的我。^^

结婚后,不想到处去了,就安定下来,找份 office work,朝九晚五,就误打误撞,当上 Head Hunter。也蛮喜爱这份工作,一做就做了四年。


全值妈妈也不等于 “富太/少奶奶” 因为我这个全值妈妈要包完全部,做家务,煮饭,洗衣,顾孩子…… 是365天,24 小时,全年无休的工作。加上样样都要省,因为家里的收入已经少了一大半!

而“富太/少奶奶” 是完全都不必做,有佣人跟在后,每天去 shopping & high tea。

所以请别再叫我 “富太/少奶奶”,我只是个 ~ 全值妈妈。

升级为妈咪后,什么都学习去做,裁缝,下厨,烘焙,缝制,教学……当然也包括剪发。我不是厉害,但只想告诉妈妈们,任何事想做,就去做。别以为自己做不来,就不去尝试。尝试过,再练习,再学习,告诉自己 - 我可以做到的!我也是慢慢学的。

这些只是自己一点点的分享,妈妈们,我会尽量列出我们在一起的 activity。我尽量啦,因为全值妈妈真的蛮忙的。

~杏仁酥~ Almond Cookies

星期六才做了绿豆饼,感觉蛮容易,简单。加上孩子也帮忙,星期日又做另一个口味 ~杏仁酥~


杏仁酥与绿豆饼的做法一样,先把粉类 mixed well,倒入粟米油,搓成圆形,涂上蛋黄液,就放进 oven, 150度,15分钟。好啦!可以吃啦!

~杏仁酥~ Almond Cookies Recipe
杏仁粉 - 100gram
特幼面粉 - 180gram
糖粉 - 100gram
盐 - 1/4 小匙
发粉 - 1/4 小匙
粟米油 - 120ml

Monday, February 16, 2015

~绿豆饼~ Green Pea Cookies

孩子们问我这个周末,有什么 activity 呢?想想…………再五天就新年了,就与孩子们一起动动手做年饼 ~绿豆饼~

很简单的绿豆饼,我只负责把全部 mixed 在一起,接下来的工作就由孩子们与老公完成咯!我做么呢?拍照咯!哈哈哈…………



然后就涂上一层蛋黄,弟弟多么专心在涂呀涂,涂呀涂。涂好后,就放进 oven, 150度,15分钟。好啦!可以吃啦!


~绿豆饼~ Green Pea Cookies Recipe
绿豆粉 - 500gram
特幼面粉 - 400gram
糖粉 - 150gram
粟米油 - 300ml

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Baking ~ Chocolate Chips Muffins

This is what my big boy always request for ~ Chocolate Chips Muffins!

Chocolate always not my cup of tea, just my big boy love it. So, not much comments, yet it still soft and yummy. Chocolate lovers will like it as my boy does.

As a mom of two, I mainly baking for kids, so I try not to use too much of chemicals and artificial ingredients, but organic raw materials instead. My cooking and baking always low in sugar, oil and salt. My kids have same taste bud as me too, they do not like sweet as well. If you are following my recipe and like the sweet taste, better add on some sugar (maybe around 30g - 50g).

We do not like sweet. If prefer sweet, can sprinkled some cinnamon-sugar on tops of the muffins before baking. Be careful do not burn the top of the muffins. OR may try other glazed to your favor.

For a nicer favor, may add in 1 tsp of vanilla essence into the wet ingredients. I would try to be more nature as usual.

As usual, most of the recipes on always start with ~ preheat the oven. But for me, I am a bit s~l~o~w, so I would like to take out all the ingredients, cool down to room temperature (if necessary) then measure the quantity as required first. After all these are done, then only I preheat my oven.

 Chocolate Chips Muffins
Dry Ingredients:
2 cups (250g) self-raising flour
110g granulated sugar
2 tsp baking powder
¼ tsp salt
1 cup semi sweet chocolate chips
Wet Ingredients:
½ cup (120g) unsalted butter, melted and cooled
2 large eggs
2/3 cup (160ml) milk

 (bake 12 regular muffins)

  1. In a bigger bowl, mixed well the dry ingredients, fold in the chocolate chips at last.
  2. In another bowl, whisk all the wet ingredients.  MUST mixed well!
  3. Pour the wet ingredients into dry ingredients, gently fold in till moist, do not over mixed.

I had tried a few time to find out the best temperature and duration for my oven before I get the BEST results. The best for my cheap oven is 160oC for 25-30 minutes. How about yours???

~Happy Baking~

Baking ~ Cranberry Muffins

Awaken at 530 in the morning by my little boy asking for my milk. Ya.... my 35 months little boy still breastfeeding. Aih... Since woke up, let's bake some fresh muffins for my family breakfast. Checked in the fridge... Checked what was available?? chocolate? hmm.... only my big boy like it, I do not like chocolate. Hmmm...  Cranberry! My favourite!!! OK, let's bake ~ Cranberry Muffins!

I ate three right after the photo taken, this cool boys were super moist! Add on with my favourite cranberry, Mmmmm..... superb!!! Had them together with a hot coffee, enjoying the morning breeze, sitting at the balcony, watching the moon, awaiting for the sunrise. Wow... Nice morning! All of lovers were still sleeping!

As a mom of two, I mainly baking for kids, so I try not to use too much of chemicals and artificial ingredients, but organic raw materials instead. My cooking and baking always low in sugar, oil and salt. My kids have same taste bud as me too, they do not like sweet as well. If you are following my recipe and like the sweet taste, better add on some sugar (maybe around 30g - 50g).

As usual, most of the recipes on always start with ~ preheat the oven. But for me, I am a bit s~l~o~w, so I would like to take out all the ingredients, cool down to room temperature (if necessary) then measure the quantity as required first. After all these are done, then only I preheat my oven.

 Cranberry Muffins
Dry Ingredients:
2 ½ cups (320g) self-raising flour
130g granulated sugar
¼ tsp salt
Zest of 1 lemon
Wet Ingredients:
1 cup (240ml) buttermilk
120ml oil
1 large egg
1 cup Cranberries
 (bake 12 muffins)

  1. In a bigger bowl, mixed well the dry ingredients.
  2. In another bowl, whisk all the wet ingredients.  MUST mixed well!
  3. Pour the wet ingredients into dry ingredients, gently fold in till moist, do not over mixed.

I had tried a few time to find out the best temperature and duration for my oven before I get the BEST results. The best for my cheap oven is 160oC for 25-30 minutes. How about yours???

~Happy Baking~

Baking ~ Lemon Poppy Seed Muffins

When I was cooking for lunch this morning, found a leftover lemon in the fridge. An idea popped into my mind ~ Lemon Poppy Seed Muffins!

This really a extra soft & super yummy delicious muffins. Due to the citrus fruits, it really an open appetite for tea time to eat together with a cup of hot coffee of my favor. I love the texture and the tangy lemon flavor and addition of crunchy poppy seeds.

As a mom of two, I mainly baking for kids, so I try not to use too much of chemicals and artificial ingredients, but organic raw materials instead. My cooking and baking always low in sugar, oil and salt. My kids have same taste bud as me too, they do not like sweet as well. If you are following my recipe and like the sweet taste, better add on some sugar (maybe around 30g - 50g).

As usual, most of the recipes on always start with ~ preheat the oven. But for me, I am a bit s~l~o~w, so I would like to take out all the ingredients, cool down to room temperature (if necessary) then measure the quantity as required first. After all these are done, then only I preheat my oven.

 Lemon Poppy Seed Muffins
Dry Ingredients:
2 cups (250g) self-raising flour
2 TBS poppy seeds
¼ tsp salt

Wet Ingredients:
½ cup (100g) unsalted butter
160g granulated sugar
2 large eggs
Zest of 1 lemon
1 cup yogurt
 (bake 12 muffins)

  1. In a bigger bowl, mixed well the dry ingredients.
  2. In another bowl, whisk room temperature butter till light, then add on sugar continue to whisk till light and fluffy.
  3. Beat in the egg one by one till well mixed. MUST mixed well!
  4. Add in zest of lemon and a cup of yogurt. I used normal Nestle plain yogurt. Mixed well again. Pour into 1, the dry ingredients, just moist, do not over mixed.

I had tried a few time to find out the best temperature and duration for my oven before I get the BEST results. The best for my cheap oven is 160oC for 25-30 minutes. How about yours???

Oh ya...... I drizzle the top with ~Lemon Glaze~ once it is ready from the oven. This will enhance the lemon flavor of the muffins.

Lemon Glaze: 1 TBS lemon juice + 60g confectioners / icing sugar

~Happy Baking~

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Has a mania for CROCHET

Yupe, being a full time mummy is super busy, but.... still looking for new stuff to try on ~CROCHET~
Herewith some of crochet, nice?
Baby beanie, toddler hat, baby booties, amigurumi (small stuff animals), bags, puppet, alphabet....

Washing Dishes by my Boy

At the age of 4, I had start to let him try to prepare milk by himself. I will well prepared a cup of warm water, a measuring cup (he takes 6oz), a fork (as stirrer), a cup and a BIG tray. 
Why a big tray???? Hahaha.... Cause I will put everything in the tray, this is to minimize the mess and easier for me to clean up.
This is not only allow him to be independent, at the same time, he learned how to "MEASURE" and count (2oz = 1 scoop of milk powder)
Although there was a bit mess, wasted a little of milk powder, he manage to complete the task without any mess after a month.
Why took a month so long????
My teaching method is - I will not force my kids to complete any task, unless they volunteer to do it by himself. Therefore, kids will not resist to do it by themselves in future. 
After mastering the skill, slowly, I introduced dish washing for him, not to wash our oily dishes, but start with his own milk drinking cup!
By encourage him on dish washing, I made his favourite Captain American Shield as his tawashi as below. Nice?

Age : 4 years 6 months
Chores : Prepare milk & Dish washing
***p/s: Do not force your kid on daily house chores. 

Saturday, July 27, 2013

JOEY's DIY Homeschooling ~How my 18months toddler learnt alphabets & 123

Fully utilize the ABC mat in your house. This is how both my boys learnt the alphabet in their 18 months. At the same time, beside learning, they are helping parents to arrange the mat. For my 20 months toddler, he took about 30 minutes to put back all the alphabet (A to Z) back into the mat. During this 30 minutes, I able to cook for my families. YEAH!!!!

In fact, they are not only learning alphabets, but:-

  • develop hand eye coordination
  • fine motor skill, by putting in the alphabet, they will be interested in playing puzzle soon

**Tips: Do not arrange the alphabet mat in right order, just put in randomly. In order for them to learn.

Crochet - Fondant Minion

I am not crazy in Minion, but my boy like them. After spending a few days working on this, my boy holding it for lunch, dinner, sleeping etc....

Anyone interested to order this crochet Minion, can email me, OR do it by yourself following the steps below. Frankly speaking, I am the original of crocheting this minions, but I have lost the original post.

Body ~ Yellow yarn
Round 1 - 8sc, mc
Round 2 - inc 8sc (16sc)
Round 3 - inc 8sc (24sc)
Round 4 - inc 8sc (32sc)
Round 5-19 - remain 32sc
Round 20 - dcs back to 24 sc
Round 21 - dcs back to 16sc
Round 22 - dcs to 8sc
Round up the end, it a cylinder.

Overall ~ Blue yarn
Round 1 - 8sc, mc
Round 2 - inc 8sc (16sc)
Round 3 - inc 8sc (24sc)
Round 4 - inc 8sc (32sc)
Round 5-9 - remain 32sc
The following step will be the overall front/back,
Line 1 - 8sc, ch & turn
Line 2 - 8sc, ch & turn
Line 3 - 8sc, st. crochet about 30 chains for the overall strip, depends on your size.
Space 8sc, start up with the 3 line for the overall for the front/back.

Arms ~ Black & Yellow yarn
Round 1 - 5sc, mc (black yarn)
Round 2 - inc 2sc (7sc)
Round 3-9 - remain 7sc (yellow yarn)

Legs/Shoes ~ Black & Blue yarn
Round 1 - 6sc, mc (black yarn)
Round 2 - inc 5sc (11sc)
Round 3 - 11 sc
Round 4-5 - 11sc (blue yarn)

Eye with goggle ~ White & Grey
Round 1 - 4sc, mc (white yarn)
Round 2 - inc 4sc (8sc)
Round 3 - inc 4sc (12sc)
Round 4 - inc 6sc (18sc) (Grey yarn)

Goggle Strip (Black)
1st line - chain 35 (depends of the size of the head), chain and turn
2nd line - chain 35.

Combine the arms, legs, goggles strip, eyes together.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Butterfly Artwork ~ JOEY's Homeschooling Method

It's time for me to jolt down the artwork I have done together with Bryan. Today, we go on for a simple artwork, which included Drawing, Cutting, Gluing and Writing.

Herewith the artwork we did this afternoon. I did the top right butterfly, whilst the one my boy holding definitely was did by him!


  • A4 white paper
  • coloured paper 
  • pencil
  • scissors
  • glue


  1. First, draw a BIG butterfly on the A4 paper
  2. Cut different shapes from the coloured paper. This is a very good motor skill for a toddler to learn using scissors, beside learning the shapes they are cutting.
  3. Glue the shapes on the butterfly. Allow the toddler to glue anywhere they like.
  4. Last, teach the toddler to write his name and date on the A4 paper.

Time: We spent about 45 minutes. Most of the time spending on cutting.

***Parents/guidance/care taker should be always beside the toddler when they are using scissors. 

Tadaaaaaa....... That was what we did this afternoon after lunch.

Out of idea what to play with your kids at home??? Maybe you would like to have a try with your kids as well?

Share with me if your kids like it too~~~~

Friday, February 22, 2013

Kids Have BIG Imagination

Bryan was helping me in the kitchen to prepare our dinner tonight. While I was cutting the capsicum, he quickly STOP me from continue cutting the capsicum! 

Then he hold the capsicum up asking me "Mommy, what do you think this is?" 

~My son has BIG imagination~

Am I Happy?

Am I Happy? I will say YES!

As a full time mommy by taking care of my 2 little boys, I am not happy all days, as
they make me MAD...
they make me ANGRY...
they make me FURIOUS...
 they even make me CRAZY!


When I see them laugh happily, I knew everything is worth!!!!
This is 3.5 years old Bryan & 17 months Isaac laugh happily while their daddy was blowing balloon. This video remind me about 2 years old Bryan did laugh crazily as well... Enjoy LAUGHING....

This was 24 months Bryan. Same... Daddy was blowing balloon. 


Learnt Shapes in 14 months

My darling ~ Isaac learnt 8 shapes in his 14 months! I will said he is QUICK as compare with Bryan. He learnt circle, square, rectangle, triangle, oval, star, crescent, heart shapes! Good job my little boy! 

Isaac loves reading books rather than playing with toys. Maybe this is the reason he learns faster as a toddler. He is 17 months now (Sorry back dated post again) he learnt a few numbers and alphabet! eg, A, B, C, E, G, I, J, K, T & M. Whenever he sees A & M, he can even SAY the letter correctly by pointing at the letter!

Colours ~ He learnt a few colours ~ blue, red, yellow, green, orange & purple.

To My boys ~ Bryan & Isaac, 
Sorry Isaac that mommy realized that I did compare your growth development with your elder brother. For sharing, I was being compared since young, so I will never compare my sons with others. 
Both of you are my precious boys, I will compare both you unwittingly. I am not mean to do that, but hope both of you learn from positive way in comparing.

Multi-Language Boy

We are proud to be Malaysia, as we learn more than one language in school - English, Malay & Chinese. Therefore, I teach my boy in different language start from young. My 3 years old boy was reading numbers in 5 languages - English, Mandarin, Malay, Japanese and Cantonese. 

I didn't learn Korean, Spanish, French, Italian, Thai....... If not, I will teach him as well! Hahahaha..... 


Thursday, February 7, 2013


After attending 4 weeks of school, Bryan is able to recite the 96 words from the Three-Word Chant, 三字经.
Frankly speaking, I can't even recite them, but my little boy did it! Good JOB! 


Tuesday, February 5, 2013


‎12 生肖 - 鼠,牛,虎,兔,龙,蛇,马,羊,候,鸡,狗,猪。你学会了吗?

Monday, February 4, 2013

JOEY's DIY Homeschooling Method

Question:"How do you teach your boy, which homeschooling method are u using? Montessori? Charlotte Mason? etc....."

JOEY:"I just explain to him whatever things happen around us on HOW, WHY, WHEN, WHAT, WHO, WHICH"
Maybe I can name it as - JOEY's DIY Homeschooling Method

Then, the parents will think of I do not wanna share my method with them @_@
This is the issue I'm worrying about after my post - When Will you send your kids to nursery?

First of all I really want to APOLOGIZE if my answer gave you this feeling. But I really teach my boy on HOW, WHY, WHEN, WHAT, WHO, WHICH from the things happen around us.

Isn't that true that we need to know:-
why there are day & night?
Why raining?
Why we need to eat & drink?
Why my hair is black?

Question :"how can the little one understand all this?"
JOEY :"if the little one do not understand, definitely they will ask again and again. Then, I'll answer again and again. Repetition is very important in teaching."

If there are something that I do not know or do not understand, I will...
JOEY:"I'm not sure how it works/why, how about we search in the internet to find out the answer together later?"
Companion is very crucial for kids. Works/learn together with your kids is worth than spending $$$ for the classes.

This is how I teach my boy, Bryan about our nature, or I would say everything around us.
About those basic academic, e.g. shapes, colours, numbers....... normally I'll related with "things around us"as well.
Example: "baobei, you look great in this orange shirt" sure he will look at his shirt and understood that the colour is "ORANGE"
Communications is very important. Try to talk MORE with them.

P/S: Do not think of your kids is small and don't explain to them! Maybe they are not really understand the meaning. But they REMEMBER what you said, your words may keep in their mind for years!

Question :"Joey, all the books, flash card for babies are so expensive, not worth to buy, how to teach?"
JOEY :" I only bought picture flash card about animals & fruits for Bryan 4 years ago. I made most of the flash card all by myself."

Maybe I can share more in future post in details. Wait to go...

Friday, January 25, 2013

When will you send your kids to nursery?

When will you send your kids to nursery?

18 months? 2 years old? 3 years old? 4 years old?

I made my decision to send my boy to kindergarten when he is 5 years old. Too late???

Hmm... Let's summarize what my 3.5 years old boy learnt so far. Share with me what your kids learnt in school? In order for me to justify whether is it too late to send him to school in year 2014?

Motor Skill

  • He learnt to button by himself before 3 years old (video)
  • He learnt how to take off and put on shirt and pants all by himself.
  • He learnt to take shower by himself.
  • He learnt to use scissors.
  • He learnt to use cup. He uses cup to drink milk.
  • He is diaper off since 15 months.
  • He learnt to put on and take off the shoes and socks all by himself. He is learning how to put on shoes for his little brother now.
  • He helps me a lot on the house work, eg laundry (video), hang up clothes & collect dry clothes (video), cleaning....

Am I missing anything? What he can learnt in school in motor skill?

He learnt the basic shape - triangle, circle, square, star & heart shape at 17 months. He even learnt oval, diamond, pentagon, hexagon, octagon, trapezium etc.... NOW.
Are these the shapes the kids learn in nursery?

He learnt all the basic colors at 2 years old (He knows colours by 18 months, now he even can "tell" all the colours (black, browndark greenlight greenpurpledark bluelight blueredpinkorangeyellowgreywhitebeige))
He learnt indigo, violet, navy blue, maroon as well.


  • He likes to play dots to dots. He can finish 1-100 dots to dots!
  • He likes to play puzzle (video), he can finish 72 pieces puzzle!
  • He starts to in love with maze now.
  • We play memory game every weeks.
  • We sing and dance every day.
  • We paint together.
  • We play dough together.
  • We go swimming together.
  • He cycling every day.
  • ..... and more ....

Bryan can read and write from 1-100 in English and Mandarin; read 1-10 in Japanese.
This is the video he read numbers in different language -> video
Few weeks ago, Bryan completed 1-100 on his work book without any missing numbers! While I was taking my shower, he told me that he was boring, nothing to do. So I simply told him to write some numbers on his work book.
He surprised me by showing his writing (picture on the right) while I finished shower. ^_^

Bryan learnt A-Z since 19 months (video).
We play alphabet game every day. eg, name the animals/fruits/musical instrument that start from A-Z. This little boy can think of some name that I can't even recall!

I will not force my boy to write before he was 3 years old as I believed that kids fingers are fully developed after 3 years.
He can write capital letter and small letter from A-Z and a-z as well. But a bit UGLY. Haha... As I just started to teach him writing when he was 3 years old. So I have no worries on this.

Language - Mandarin
I teach him mandarin flash card using the material given by my sister.

Language - Malay
I just start to teach him Malay. ^_^
He learnt some animals name (kucing, anjing etc), numbers (satu - sepuluh) and colours (merah, hitam etc).
I admit I teach him lesser in Malay as I am not really good in Malay :P......

I read story book for him and slowly he learn to read by himself. Basically he can read simple story book in English. I taught him on phonics, which makes him read.
This was the video he reads "The Three Little Pigs" at his 3 years old (36 months). It's a LONG video, so the middle part I had fast forwarded. Hahaha......

So... Experienced mommy, am I made a correct decision to send him to school at his 5 years old? I prefer homeschooling my boy. But... Am I missing anything to teach him at home?

Thursday, January 17, 2013

The PURPOSE of a Nursing Room

Parents! Do you really understand what is the main purpose of a nursing room?

A nursing room is for BREASTFEEDING mommy to latch on / BREASTFEED their babies/toddlers. 

A nursing room is NOT FOR BOTTLE FEEDING your babies/toddlers!!!!!

This time, I really MAD on this. Some more, this is not the first time experience carrying my HUNGRY babies/toddlers running around to look for empty nursing room. My 15 months toddler is more than 10KG!

But I really MADDDD when I've been waiting so loooonnnggggg outside the nursing room, ended up seeing a mommy holding a MILK BOTTLE coming out from the nursing room!

Why can't the parents feed their baby outside? Why you have to occupied the nursing room for bottle feeding? Or because you are bottle feeding, you do not think there will be any BREASTFEEDING mommies around?

Would like to take this opportunity to voice out! About nursing room in Queensbay mall, Penang. I experienced carrying my HUNGRY + FUSSY + CRYING baby running from lower ground floor up to second floor. But can not find a nursing room, either it has been occupied or the nursing room is WITHOUT A CURTAIN!

I do not request a luxury nursing room with proper air conditioning (most of the nursing rooms are HOT), proper sofa (some are nothing inside, like a fitting room), toilet paper provided, different bin for diaper, rubbish bin (some don't even has one) etc... Just the curtain!
Hope they will have some improvement soon.

I think will make up some review on nursing room from now on. Hope those shopping mall will improve their service and understood the PURPOSE of a nursing room!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Kindergarten Selection in Penang area

I started visiting some kindergarten around my area for my boy during September and October 2012. So far, there are only a few kindergarten in my selection, which fulfill my requirement.

After chit chatting with some parents and friends, I realized that most of them select the kindergarten according to the reputation / advertisement. Therefore, I would like to share more about how I did the selection.

First of all, I will visit those "famous" kindergarten website to know more about their background / origin before visiting. Yet, I will not make any judgement merely on the website. As they will do the BEST in website, no matter how, I will spend my time to visit personally. MOST IMPORTANT, I will not go along with my boy, as he will distract by those teacher and the playground outside!

During the visit, I will ask below questions:

  1. School fees? (mainly to compare with other kindergarten)
  2. Methodology?
  3. Timetable? (is there any music session, gym, IQ game etc.) 
  4. Play based or academic driven? (will not prefer purely academic)
  5. Language used? (I will choose trilingual - English, Mandarin & Malay)
  6. Ratio - Teacher : Student (will prefer 1: 10 or below)
  7. Teaching method? (some kindergarten will use TV, which I definitely will blacklist)
  8. Syllabus? Text book? (go through to know my boy level)
  9. How often the parent can check out their kids progress / performance in school? (It'll be great if anytime ^_^)
  10. Does the teacher identified the person who pick up the kids when the school over? (parents need to aware on this, as I saw some kindergarten just let those kids to go along whoever arrived the school and called the kids' name ONLY)

Besides all these questions to ask, I will observe the kindergarten as well. Below are the priority condition I will check out during the visit:-

  1. Does the kindergarten locked the gate? (If the kindergarten simply open the gate/door, without asking me, who am I / the purpose I was there will be rejected)
  2. Hygiene in the kindergarten? (This is quite subjective on every personal, I will check on the toilet and pantry, toys)
  3. Child safety / proofing? (there MUST be safety gate at staircase)
  4. Any child friendly facilities? (child toilet bowl & basin?)
  5. Handle for kids on the staircase?

Herewith all the conditions I will check base on my own judgement and standard. Parents may take these as a referral but not a standard.

After visiting a few kindergartens, I made my decision to enroll my boy when he is 5 years old in 2014. 

I will disclose on my coming post ^_^

Friday, August 10, 2012

Emotional Mom&Son

I was hugging my boy from the back on the bed and having mom&son moment.

Mommy: I love you bao bei...
Bryan: I love you mommy...

Mommy: How long will you love mommy?
Bryan: I am 3 years old now, I love mommy, 4 years old also love mommy, 5 years old also love mommy, 10 years old also love mommy, 20 years old also love mommy, 30 years old also love mommy, 40 years old also love mommy, 50 years old also love mommy, 60 years old also love mommy, 70 years old also love mommy, 80 years old also love mommy...

Mommy: When you're 80 years old, mommy dead lor...
Bryan: Dead? like "chor chor"? (great-grandmother, who passed away last December) Then can not see mommy anymore?

My boy stopped but I heard him was sobbing. Then he turned looked at me with tears in his eyes

Bryan: I don't want 80 years old, I want mommy... I want mommy...

Started to cry... Looking at him crying, my tears started to fall as well.

Don't worry my boy, mommy will take good care of myself in order for me to take care of you and your little brother, mommy will not leave you, mommy will stay with you till the day I died.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

9 months baby signing MILK

This is a 9 months baby sign for milk.
He is diaper off on 9 months as well! All thanks for the Baby Signs® Program helps baby to TALK before they can TALK!!!

Babies have a lot to say....even before they can actually speak. With the Original Baby Signs® Program, babies and toddlers can communicate what they see, what they need and even how they feel by using simple easy-to-do signs for words like "Eat", "Milk" and "More". Research has shown that the Baby Signs® Program decreases frustration, help babies talk sooner, enriches parent-child relationships, and boosts' babies intellectual development.

My 9 Months Diaper Off Baby!!!

Amazing, right? I was shocked to see DRY diaper every morning as well! My 9 months baby, Isaac really has confident on himself. He will CALL us when he needs to wee and pass motion.

The key to train up your BB to be potty trainned is - Communication!

How to communicate? He merely a 9 months BB? It through Baby Sign® Program. Signing is the allow the baby to TALK before baby can really TALK!  

By the time babies are 9 to 10 months old, they are quite capable of knowing what it is they need or want. What they don’t know is how to tell us with words – which leads directly to frustration for baby and parent alike. All this changes when a baby is able to use signs. With signs like “thirsty,” “hungry,” “hot,” and “cold” – and many, many others – at their disposal, babies can make their needs known quickly and quietly without resorting to tantrums and tears. No wonder “Decreased frustration!” is the answer we most frequently get when we ask how using the Baby Signs® Program has changed daily life.

I started to use baby sign since my elder son was 8 months and he is diaper off when 14 months. With my experience, my second baby successfully diaper off on 9 months! Baby Sign® Program really works! Other than signing, bonding also a key factor.

Friday, June 8, 2012

~Our Conversation Today~

Just update some funny conversation with my son today

Psedornna: Please keep a distance from Isaac, you're fever.
Bryan: I just miss Isaac. I just want to hug and kiss him.
~My heart was warm with this~

Bryan: Mommy! (loudly) You shame shame! You forgotten to wear pants!
(lifted up my big T-shirt to show him my short pants)
Psedornna: I wear a short pants, just my T-shirt too big.
Bryan: Opps, sorry mommy. Next time don't wear short pants. I thought you forgotten to wear pants to go out, shame shame, you know! 
~My son, who turning to 3 years old in 2 weeks was advising me~

(We were sharing a swiss roll)

Psedornna: Mmmm... This swissroll is yummy!
Bryan: It's delicious! I want more please...
Psedornna: Sure. 

Bryan: Aiya... Fever can not eat this lar. Never mind, wait Bryan recover first!
~My son has grown up, he knows how to control himself~

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Skynet - The WORST Courier Service!

I really lose my temper with SKYNET this time!

I received the sender email that my parcel will reach on Friday. Therefore I was waiting for my parcel since last Friday everyday. While I check online, the status was - OUT FOR DELIVERY

On the 5th of June, I check the status online AGAIN. It was OUT FOR DELIVERY again. So I cancel all the out going activities with my boy but stay at home to wait for the delivery. Wait... Wait... Wait... It was about 4pm, I have no patient to wait for them anymore. I call their hotline in KL. Then, the customer service gave me a Penang phone number.

After calling the penang branch, she mentioned "Saya TAK TAU, you boleh call the delivery man, ini handphone dia ......"

Then I called the delivery man. Herewith the conversation with the delivery man.

Delivery Man - DM ; Mommy Psedornna - MP

MP: Saya nak check bila parcel saya sampai. saya tinggal di "Sxxxxxxxx"
DM: Oooo... "Sxxxxxxx" belum pergi sana, u nak sekarang?

MP: since last friday sudah tulis "OUT FOR DELIVERY" tapi kenapa belum sampai lagi?
DM: Oooo... "Sxxxxxxx" susah nak pergi, nak naik lift. tunggu dulu lar.
MP: sudah tunggu 3 hari, nak tunggu lagi? boleh hantar hari ini?

DM: tak boleh lar, sudah lewat, nak hujan lor! u turun ambil sendiri la!

MP: huh? skynet macam ini? nak ambil sendiri?
Then he hang up the call!

So the reason for them to drag my parcel for 3 days was my house -"susah nak pergi, nak naik lift"

I have no choice but to call the KL office again. His feedback to me was the penang branch should not gave me the delivery man handphone number and require me to call him directly! And he promise my parcel will reach my door step by today.

After one hour, the STRONG Indian delivery man was here with my parcel. He STARED AT ME when passing the parcel to me to sign and asked "you telephone KL tadi?" Due to the size of the parcel, I need to open the door to collect, I not dare to say anything. I just signed and locked the gate immediately!

I was F~E~A~R! Just my little boy with me at home that time! no CCTV outside my house some more!

Anyway, this was really a BAD experience with SKYNET. If you have other choices, please do not choose SKYNET!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Car Washing Fun~~~

This is the first time I wash my car together with my boy. I brought along a story book for my boy to read in case he bored watching me washing my car. Surprisingly he volunteer to help me to wash.

Then he started to follow what I did, holding the sponge to clean the car. wash... wash... wash...

After washing, he even helped me to fill up water in the bucket and washed the sponge WITHOUT MY INSTRUCTION! Hahaha....
Then we dry the car together!

When I call him to pose for photo snapping, he replied me: "I am busy mommy, come to help me, FASTER!"
Anyway, we have a FUN~~~ morning.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

My Boy's Update for the past 10 months

My  boy stepped into 35 months yesterday, but...... no update for him for a looongggggggggggggggggggg time. I think better jolt down everything as soon as possible rather than keep on delaying. Just a quick recall back for the past few months.
~26 Months~
= My Model =
My boy become my little model this month as his clumsy and big belly mommy the only "exercise" was kept holding the camera on my boy. Herewith my little model!
This was the first time I cut my little boy's hair. Not bad huh? My boy doesn't like hair cut at all. Whenever he saw his hair fell from the head, his tears will started to drop and started to sob, and keep asking "finish? finish????" aih... How to make hair cut is fun for him?

= Mid Autumn Festival =
Isaac due date was mid autumn. In case he come to this world on time, I took this opportunity to play lantern with him before the actual mid autumn festival. My boy more excited with the candle compare to the lantern.

= Arrival of Isaac =
After the arrival of Isaac, I just realized how lovely my boy is.
    ~ He will make a quiet sign "shhhh..." when he saw his little brother was sleeping.
    ~ He helps me to take whatever I need when I was cleaning for Isaac, eg diaper, pyjamas, napkin, handkerchief, throw poop diaper, ointment cream etc....

~27 Months~
= A Lovely & Caring Brother =
Even though he is merely 27 months, but he really act like a BIG brother of loving and taking care of his little brother. The video below was taken when he was trying to sooth his little brother.
    ~ He will put pacifier for his little brother when he cried.
    ~ He will sooth/pat his little brother when he awaken.
    ~ He will try to talk to his little brother when he fussy.

= Puzzle Lover =
This was a great month for my boy as my boy surprised me by finishing a 16 pieces of puzzle all by himself! Check-out my previous post here or his video below. I  have bought a few 16 pieces puzzle, all these puzzles are so useful when I was busy taking care of Isaac, as my boy can spend his time finished all the puzzle by himself. All the puzzle are available in Popular Book Store in a reasonable price! ^_^

~28 Months~
= Independent Boy =
He is more and more independent now. When I was busy nursing, changing diaper or rocking his little brother, this boy will know how to take care of himself. He will took off his pants and took out his potty to do his big business by himself and waited for me to clean for him after all done. Same, he will wee by himself in the potty, as he was to short to wee in the toilet bowl.
I was quite worry that he will messed up everything and kept asking him - "are you ok? do you need my help?" Yet... the answer from my boy was "no worries mommy, I can do it by myself, you take care of Ah B"
My tears dropped on the first time I heard my boy saying that in his response! It's touching!

= Good Helper =
My boy starts to help mommy on house chores since 14months to mop floor, laundry, keep toys etc...
After his little brother was born, this little boy helps a lot by taking care of his little brother while mommy take shower&cooking. He can even help me to keep all the clothes that we washed.
He is my GOOD boy ever ^_^

~29 Months~
= Speech Development =
The most memorable moment in this month was my boy starts using -ing on his speech! The first time I heard him saying that was the time I was taking shower in the bathroom. While I opened the door and realized that my boy was sitting outside hugging his puppies. I wondering what he was doing and his respond was "I was waiting for mommy finish shower". From then, I realized that he understood the meaning of -ing and use it appropriately. Due to I speak English and Cantonese with him, he don't know how to differentiate between cantonese and english. Therefore, we heard him adding in -ing in cantonese word as well. haha...

~30 Months~
= Caring big brother = 
Again, I would like to appraise him as a big brother! Just look at the picture here. He will be the first to appear in front of his little brother when he made any noise. He will soothe him with pacifier, pat him to sleep on the bed, dance and sing in front of him, take his teether or any toys to play with him.

~31 Months~
= Music Lover = 
My boy loves music since 1 years old. May you be interested to watch him play drum here and keyboard here. My sister and sister-in-law bought him his first drum set after they watched the band performance on stage. He LOVES his drum so much and take very good care of his drum till now. His little brother likes to play with it as well. But this is the only toys that he will not share with him. Hahahaha.....

= Amend Lyrics = 
I used to sing "My Bonnie" to Isaac when he was going to sleep. This cheeky Bryan changed the lyrics from "my bonnie" to "my mommy"
This was the first song he changed. Still got lots to come on the following months ^,^

~32 Months~
= Photographer = 
This little cheeky started to take photo using my sister digital camera and the photo not bad. As he knew to focus the person in the center. Then he started to use my hp to take photo when we dining out as well. Sadly, he likes to take photo of his tumbler, his puppy (and all of his soft toys), bowl, chopstick... instead of his mommy ~.~ 

= Drink Milk from cup = 
This was a great achievement for my little boy who willing to drink milk from the cup instead of his lovely milk bottle.
Bye bye milk bottle!!!!

= Button himself = 
I gain more time to take a rest as my boy took about 10 minutes to button his pyjamas every night after shower and before bed time. Hahaha... After teaching him for 1 month, he manage to button by himself perfectly now! Enjoy the video below and see how my boy button up his own pyjamas!

~33 Months~
= 70 Pieces Puzzle = 
Again, my boy breaks his own record by finishing 70 pieces puzzle all by himself! I took out his 70 pieces puzzle for him to play while I busy vacuum and mop the floor. 70 pieces is too much for him as I knew he just can finish 48 pieces puzzle. So I can vacuum and mop the house safely cause he will not running around but concentrating on his puzzle.
After a while, he came to me saying that he has completed the puzzle! Oh boy! You're great!

= First Dental Visit = 
My boy willing to sit on the chair, laid down and opened his mouth BIG to let the dentist to check for his teeth. AND... He was not doing it once but twice! As he thought it was fun to sit on a BIG chair which can FLY up and down.
Since he willing to visit the dentist, I have made next appointment for him on the 39 months. Wait to see how's he performs then >.<

= Toilet Train = 

Toilet train??? hahaha... Can't think of a suitable word to describe. My boy can go toilet "wee" all by himself now. He yet to reach the toilet bowl to wee, but he can make it by tippi toes! isn't that cute to see him wee in the toilet all by himself?
*He won't let me take photo of him, so I took it from FAR... without his notification.

~34 Months~
= Terrible 2 = 
My boy starts his terrible 2 on his 30 months. When I request him to do something, he will said "NO" / "Don't Want"! +_+|||
This naughty boy really blow me up sometime! Maybe I can't spend all my time with him now, but need to take care of Isaac, this make him start to against me. I gave him his first "cane" when I really can't control myself. His tears dropped when I cane his little hand and he knew that he has made me angry as well. So he not dare to cried out. Seeing his tears falling down, my heart felt pain too. I kept on repeating on his mistake and make sure he will not do it again. After the cane, I gave him a time out for 1 minute as well. Hope all these punishment will not repeat again.